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You are responsable for the health of your lake, revegetate your shoreline.






 List of members 2023




Be careful, our lake is in difficulty and it loses its beautiful "feathers".  If you understand french See this report that is sobering and should encourage us to change our habits in order to stop its degradation.  

General Meeting 2022 - MINUTES



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 Old News

  • A new weapon in the fight against
  • Fireworks: Their Impact on the
  • Minutes of General meeting of July 14,



The Grand Lac Rond is located in the greater Outaouais region of the province of Quebec, specifically in the Gatineau Valley in the municipalities of Bouchette and Ste-Thérèse-de-la-Gatineau. The lake covers an area of ​​​​5.7 km2 and houses 441 waterfront residences. In addition, there are about fifty trailers on private land plus a hundred more on a commercial campground. The database of the Association has 675 names.

The Association's mission is to protect the quality of its environment by promoting good behavior on the water, on the shoreline and around the lake. The members of the executive committee are volunteers who work in collaboration with the municipalities of Bouchette and Ste-Thérèse to support environmental protection programs.

Please note that Grand Lac Rond is classified Ultra-Oligotrophic in terms of total phosphorus and Chlorophyll α, the highest water quality rating given by the Government of Quebec according to a study of 665 lakes conducted in 2011. Of these lakes, only 1.7% remain classified as Ultra-Oligotrophic. However, recent data shows a loss of water clarity of .5 meters compared to 2011. The ranking of the lake in terms of its transparency is oligotrophic. More details on the Water Quality page.


Picture taken from the LookoutPicture taken from the Lookout

We are in the process of revamping our website, but in the meantime

you can find all the latest lake details on our Facebook page


The health of my responsibility!