Pink algea in the lake
February 2011
The Association would like to inform you that large quantities of a pink substance were seen floating on the surface of the water beneath the ice (thanks to the transparency of the ice) in several locations across Grand Lac Rond during the holiday season. Tests by Environnement Québec identified the substance as a bloom caused by a cyanobacteria. No toxins were found in the sample taken and tested, which means that the substance is not toxic to human health. The substance had almost completely disappeared last week, where I could look through the ice.
As we have always said, it is not recommended to use untreated lake water for consumption.
Cyanobacteria can grow in an environment high in phosphates. Who would have thought it could happen like this in the winter? In the fall, people have reported seeing a bloom like cyanobacteria. Unfortunately, we could not do the tests but are pretty certain that is was Blue green algae.
The health of the lake is becoming increasingly fragile. What must be done to ensure its survival and also protect our property investment? What guarantee is there that our children and grandchildren will still be able to swim in our lake in a few years? We must "take the bull by its horns” now and restore the lake's banks of yesteryear which were full of flowers, shrubs and natural vegetation. We must replant what has been destroyed by ignorance. In doing so, we not only improve the natural look and beauty of our property but will stop the phosphates that are slowly destroying our lake. We can no longer wait, we must act now!
Here are some good links. We suggest you read especially the synthesis Guide::
Also look under the sink and make an inventory of your products there. Identify those with phosphates and make a list. During your next shopping trip, bring a list and replace them with phosphate free products. Click the tab Phosphate Free in the menu above for more information.
In the spring, why not make a visual inspection of your plumbing and ask the advice of an expert if you have any doubts. Call your inspector in Bouchette (819 465-2555 ) or Ste-Thérèse 819 449-4134
To get help with revegetating your shore line you can contact >>>>>>
Suggestion: Add contact information.
Au printemps, pourquoi ne pas faire une inspection visuelle de votre installation sanitaire et demandez l'avis d'un expert si vous avez des doutes. Appelez votre inspecteur Bouchette 819 465-2555 Ste-Thérèse 819 449-4134.
For assistance to revegetate your shoreline, click on the Revegetation button on the menu above. The municipality of Bouchette will hold a workshop showing how to revegetage your shoreline, Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 10:00 AM at the Municipal Hall. For more details, please call the Municipal Office.
The health of my responsibility!