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You are responsable for the health of your lake, revegetate your shoreline.






 List of members 2023




Be careful, our lake is in difficulty and it loses its beautiful "feathers".  If you understand french See this report that is sobering and should encourage us to change our habits in order to stop its degradation.  

General Meeting 2022 - MINUTES



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 Old News

  • A new weapon in the fight against
  • Fireworks: Their Impact on the
  • Minutes of General meeting of July 14,



Fish Habitat Protection

The Fish Habitat Protection supervisor is Kevin Russell. 



Our lake has been classified as SFI (Special Forestry Interest) by the Ministry of the Environment. According to this new status, we can no longer have a sowing permit until further notice. Please note that donations already received prior to seeding will be paid to the Fishermen's Fund and will be used to subsidize one or more of the following initiatives:


  • Have the walleye reproduction area checked and characterized
  • Have the status of the walleye population assessed
  • Have the state of the lake trout population assessed
  • Find lake trout reproduction areas
  • Update oxygen and temperature profiles
  • Have an inventory of the entire fish community in the lake
  • Restoring degraded banks
  • Collect your members' fishing statistics
To make a donation to the Fishermen’s Fund click here



Spring 2019


Pierre Parisien, seeding manager, reported at the General Meeting on July 14, 2019 that he had taken care, with the help of some volunteers, of the purchase, delivery and seeding of 5,000 walleyes purchased from Marco Blanchet's fish farm. However, he lamented the lack of turnout for the event despite the fact that he had advertised it. The president underlined the excellent work of Pierre and the whole room applauded him warmly.


Here is what was reported at the 2018 general meeting

Pierre Parisien, stocking manager, reported that stocking was not done last year because the supplier ran out of fish. He added that he had raised funds from various businesses in the region and that he was going to complete his requests in the hope of raising an amount of more than $3,000 to buy walleye to stock this year. He concluded by adding that he hoped to involve more anglers in the fish release in 2018-19

April 2010


Pierre Martin, Brigitte Bourgeois and André Patry stocked the lake with 2,000 6-inch pickerel on Monday, April 19, 2010. The supplier helped out.See the pictures

Thank you to all of our member and corporate donors.


June 2009


We have ordered 2,500 walleyes that we will launch in July. He caught a lot of walleye last year and we are counting on all anglers to continue to make donations (to be included with the membership card renewal form) for stocking since it seems to be bearing fruit. Pierre Martin has agreed to pick up walleye at Lac du Cerf and stock them in the lake. Thanks Peter.



September 2008


Seeding donations for the years 2007 and 2008 have been excellent. We also sold a number of items which added to the amount. Having been unable to find fish for stocking in 2007, we decided to wait until 2008. A new approach was suggested, namely to create an artificial spawning ground to obtain better hatching performance of walleye eggs. This new approach will be implemented in the spring of 2009.


September 2006


Speckled trout were found in Ferme-Neuve at the André Paquette fish farm. We bought 2,500 and put them in the lake. Click here to see the photos.



August 2006


We have raised over $1,500 this season for seeding. Camping Paul donated $500. There has been a shortage of trout to stock in Quebec and we haven't found any yet. We are still looking for trout or walleye and if we find we will seed later this fall. Otherwise it will be in the spring!


July 2005


We purchased 1,600 1.5 to 2 inch walleyes and stocked them at various locations in the lake. We will put pictures a little later on the site.



May 2004


5,350 larval walleye were purchased and stocked in the lake on May 15, 2004




December 2003

Because of the special climatic conditions, the spawning ground of Kaz was unable to produce walleye for stocking. It was then decided to postpone the seeding of walleye until next spring. However, we stocked 1,500 trout last fall


The committee studied alternative methods to generate additional funds to stock the lake. Selling clothes is not enough and requires a lot of effort from the committee. The committee decided to ask for a voluntary membership fee when renewing membership cards. The 2004 form has been amended accordingly.

The health of my responsibility!